
Skullrollers 2024 - The Lists

  The weekend of 13th/13th October 2024 saw the annual Skullrollers Championship take place at Battlefield Hobbies. 28 players battled it out over 4 games to see who would take home the trophy. To see the results and the lists used, read on ...

Footsloggers 2024 - The Lists

  In 2022 we ran a MeG competition where the theme was "Footsloggers" where only armies comprised entirely of foot troops were allowed. This was successful and so now in 2024 we have run it for a second time. The results and armies used can be found if you read on ...

The MeG Podcast, Series 5, Episode 1 - Allies

  The podcast team return after a bit of a summer break and bring you a new podcast on a bit of a different topic. In this episode we look at Allies.

Britcon 2024 - The Lists

  The annual Britcon MeG competition took place over the three days of 9th, 10th and 11th August in Nottingham, UK. To see the results and armies used read on ...

The MeG Podcast Series 4, Episode 8 - The "Great War" of the Tenth Century: Battle of Brunanburh

  The MeG Podcast team are back with a look at 10th century Britain and in particular the Battle of Brunanburh. Read on for the episode link and other information ...

The Theme With No Name - the Lists

  Over the weekend of 1st/2nd June 2024 we held a medieval themed competition at Battlefield Hobbies Battlefield Hobbies . Lists had to be chosen from a selection of western-ish medieval lists and had to be dated between 1204 and 1384 CE. To see the lists used, read on ...

The MeG Podcast Series 4, Episode 7 - Terrain

  The MeG Podcast team with a special guest discuss terrain, how it works in MeG and how we represent it on the table. Read on for the episode link ...

Campaign 2024 - Most of the Lists

  The 11th and 12th May saw the annual Campaign show held by the Milton Keynes Wargames Society take place in the main shopping centre in Milton Keynes. As usual there was a MeG team competition with teams of 3 players in 3 different themed pools. Below are most of the lists used.

Havoc on the Hamble - Lists of Myth and Legend

  On 11th May the  Sarisbury Green Wargame Club event “Havoc on the Hamble” took place. The theme was that the army  must contain a Legendary general. The Legendary general must be named, the army date must comply with the life of the legendary general – and a brief (one line) justification for classification of Legendary must be provided. The Legendary general will normally be the C-in-C (the single exception being Achilles in the Trojan War Achaean list #1215). The Legendary general may be an historical figure of legendary status (e.g. Alexander, Caesar etc), or, to make the choice as open as possible, may be any general considered by the player to be ‘deserving’ of legendary status. Below are the lists used.

The MeG Podcast Series 4, Episode 6 - A Million Elephants: Southeast Asian Armies

  In this episode of The MeG Podcast the team look at some armies, and enemies, from the Southeast Asia list PDF - possibly one of the more obscure of the list PDFs for many players. As usual we have some history and answer some questions posed by our listeners. Read on for details, links and army lists ...