ArMeGeddon; a competition of two parts - MeG Players Podcast Episode 7

Many months ago it was arranged that the first "proper" UK MeG competition post-restrictions was to be held at Battlefield Hobbies, tickets were sold, armies planned. Alas, the extension to restrictions on meeting up put the kybosh on that. However, Ray and Hammy came up with an alternative plan split across 2 separate venues. Read on for what transpired ...

The podcast where all of this is discussed can be found here.

All the MeG Players Podcasts can be found here.

With the plan for a 30 player competition at Battlefield Hobbies stymied Ray and Hammy concocted an alternative which saw 12 of the players meeting up at Ray's south coast home, with the remainder playing at Battlefield Hobbies as originally planned but in segregated groups to conform with English Covid regulations.

The original competition plan had included the provision that should the event need to be cancelled for Covid reasons players would get a full refund. A few did drop out leaving 12 at Ray's place and 16 at Daventry.

Unfortunately one player (Cid) had to drop out of the south coast event due to a Covid ping which led to a (very) last minute rearrangement which left 10 at Ray's and still 16 at Daventry with Hammy kindly standing down to run the store and umpire.

The runners and riders at Chez Duggins were originally:

Laurence (Cid) had to drop out as mentioned and Nik transferred to Battlefield Hobbies. The rest enjoyed Ray's hospitality.

The line up at Daventry was:

With Nik Gaukroger using Western Han replacing Hammy.

On the first day in order to conform with Covid requirements Hammy split the 16 players into 4 "pods" of 4 players based on the army dates. Players were matched against 2 others in the pod in the 2 Saturday games.

For day 2 the top player from each pod on the previous day were put into a new pod; likewise all those in 2nd place in a new pod and so on. Games were again just within the pod.

Here are the lists the podcast team used. Pacto versions are at the end of this bog.

Ray's Thraco Roman:

Richard's Early German:

Nik's Western Han:

We also have the lists they played against, remembering that Ray and Richard played against each other and also both played the Qin and Alamanni. In no particular order:

The results for both parts of ArMeGeddon were then mashed together to give an overall result.

The team's lists in Pacto format as promised. As ever these are a straight conversion with no attempt to have them at roughly equal points.


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