Skullrollers 2023 - The Lists


The weekend of 7th/8th October 2023 saw the annual Skullrollers Championships which were held at Battlefield Hobbies.

A susual, here are the lists used over the weekend along with the final results ...

Although there were initially 42 entrants for the competition, circumstances meant that in the end we ended up with 33. Some of the entrants couldn't make it for health related issues and we wish them all the best and look forward to seeing them at events soon 😁

So these were the final runners and riders:

And after 4 round of gaming these were the final standings:

So congratulations to Hammy for being the 3rd person to get their name on the trophy.

And so onto the lists.

We start with Hammy's winning list:

We should note that the army choice was made for Hammy randomly - he wasn't sure what to take so the army list PDF and then army were diced for and Etruscan was the result. Possibly a lesson there about overthinking army choices 😇

Unfortunately this list was actually illegal 😧 A bit of a list checking cockup there, but these things do happen. A legal version would not have been that much different and could have looked something like this:

Second place was Cid (Laurance Donohoe) with an Early Medieval Low Countries army:

Third place was Keith Spedding with Italian States:

Fourth place (we had enough prizes to give an additional place prize) was Paul Cummins:

We must not forget the winner of the much coveted Wooden Spoon, once again supplied by Will Denham. This was Steve Blackwell:

And finally before the bulk of the lists, we must mention that Dave Parish won the Best Sport prize based on a vote of the players 😎

And so here are the rest of the lists used:


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