Warriors of the Cross and Crescent - a MeG Competition Lists Extravaganza
So with the Warriors of the Cross and Crescent competition in Stockport now done and dusted, the Podcast Team look back at how they did and how their armies fared. Read on for a link to the podcast and the gory details, plus nearly all the lists used over the weekend ...
So a fantastic weekend of MeG gaming and socialising is now behind us.
The usual podcast team were joined by Matt Heywood to discuss how it went; link here - https://rayfredjohn.podbean.com/e/episode-10-cross-crescent/
The full results were (click on picture for larger view):
Podcast veteran Nik is feeling smug for obvious reasons 😁
Overall the Crescent armies did a bit better than the Cross ones, but not massively so.
Here are the lists of the podcast team plus Matt's.
And here, in no particular order, are nearly all the other lists used. One is held back as the player is intending to use it at next month's Skull Rollers World Championships. Click on pictures for a larger view.
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