Warfare 2021 - a MeG Competition of Biblical Proportions


The MeG Podcast turns its beady eye on the competition played out at Warfare 2021 over the last weekend in November. The theme of the competition was "Biblical" armies so a chance to dust down and use those chariots.

The team, plus guests, tell us how they did, and as ever we have all the lists used in the competition for your perusal. So read on to hear what happened ...

The podcast can be found here - https://themegpodcast.podbean.com/e/season-2-episode-3-warfare-2021-a-competition-of-biblical-proportions/

The competition was held as part of the Warfare event run by Wargames Association of Reading, and the theme was "Rise and Fall of the Chariot" with lists allowed from Sumer and Akkad, Egypt and Hatti, Assyria and Babylon, and Mandate of Heaven - so the early Chinese armies were in there as well as the usual "biblical" suspects.

The Runners & Riders were:

Richard Jeffrey-Cook kindly offered to play if numbers needed balancing. In the end as John Munro and Adrian Pitfield had to drop out he didn't play.

The final placings were:

Will Denham taking the honours with a perfect score of 60 - been a while since we had a winner who didn't drop any points.

The lists used (other than a couple we have been asked to not publish), in no particular order were:

And finally, we have a picture of the winner of the unofficial "Top Pharaoh" (other than anyone who placed or the author) competition; make of this what you will ...


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