Ice and Fire - All The Lists


Here are the lists used at the Ice and Fire MeG competition that took place over the 22nd and 23rd January at Battlefield Hobbies in Daventry. 32 players attended to fight it out with (roughly) non-European armies.

The theme was armies outside Europe (more or less) and for those who want to look at the details more closely the best place is the competition announcement on the MeG Forum which can be found here. Basically you could use any army from and of the PDFs other than the armies listed in the announcement - so sort of the reverse of the usual where the armies allowed are listed.

It should be noted that some of the decisions made when deciding which armies were not allowed or allowed were a bit arbitrary based on what we though would work, so don't read too much logic into the list.

There were originally 34 players booked, however, after a couple of drop out due to circumstances 32 players gathered at Battlefield Hobbies. Alas, halfway through the competition Will Denham and Graham Willmott both tested positive for Covid and also dropped out after 2 games - wishing them both a speedy recovery.

When the dust had settled on the 4 games the final standings were:

Additionally, there was a prize for the Best Rookie - best placed player who had played 3 competitions or fewer - which was won by Matt McVeigh in his very first tournament, placing 15th.

And here are the lists used, in no particular order:


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