The MeG Podcast Season 2:Episode 10 - God Wills It Retrospective


The team plus guests look back at the God Wills It competition and the armies they used, why they chose it and how they did with them.

Read on for their pearls of wisdom.

The 25th and 26th June saw 23 MeG gamers gather at Battlefield Hobbies to take part in a Crusades-ish themed competition. There should have been 24 but a last minute health issue left uneven numbers which unfortunately meant there had to be a bye each round.

The podcast can be found at -

There is also a glossary for non-MeGers to help with some of the terms used, and this can be found here -

Comments and feedback welcome; please send to

The results of the competition were:

In this podcast Nik Gaukroger, Matt Haywood, Richard Jeffrey-Cook, Graham Klaka, Paul Stovell and Paul Cummins discuss their armies, why they took the armies, thoughts on their plans and how they did. Additionally, they discuss competition themes.

The team's armies (bar Nik who didn't make it) were:

All the lists used at the competition can be found here.


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