The MeG Podcast Season 3 Episode 4 - Nikephorian Byzantines


For the first MeG Podcast of 2023 the team, plus special guests, look at the Nikephorian Byzantines - their history and army lists.

A popular army choice, but one that can be a bit tricky to get a list you like from. Hopefully the team give you something to help with this, or maybe not ...

Team regulars Matt, Richard and Nik were joined by Philip Powell and Jamie Mayers both of whom used Nikephorian Byzantine at the recent Ice & Fire competition. They bring their armies and experience to the podcast, and it is fair to say that one of their lists proved popular with the team.

The podcast is available at -

In addition to lists there are some book suggestions here along with a few figure suppliers for 15mm and 28mm.

There is also a glossary for non-MeGers to help with some of the terms used, and this can be found here -

Comments and feedback welcome; please send to

Here are the army lists that were discussed during the podcast.

Belowis a bonus list to illustrate the list prior to the Nikephorian Byzantine and show how the army had developed from the immediate preceding period.

Books To Get You Started

Byzantine Cavalryman c.900-1204; Timothy Dawson – Osprey so easy to get and accessible, also one of the better ones.

Byzantine Infantryman: Eastern Roman Empire c. 900-1204; Timothy Dawson – companions to the above covering the infantry.

Byzantine Imperial Guardsmen 925–1025: The Tághmata and Imperial Guard; Raffaele D’Amato – Osprey related to the above 2 books, the author can be a bit idiosyncratic at times.

The Varangian Guard 988-1453; Raffaele D’Amato – Osprey.

Deeper Historical Diving

Sowing the Dragon's Teeth: Byzantine Warfare in the Tenth Century; Eric McGeer – translation and commentary of the Praecepta of Nikeforos Fokas and the Taktika of Nikeforos Ouranos. Sadly, not easy to get hold of at present.

A Tenth-Century Byzantine Military Manual: The Sylloge Tacticorum; Georgios Chatzelis and Jonathan Harris – translation of a slightly earlier manual often attributed (probably incorrectly) to Leo VI.

Three Byzantine Military Treatises; George T Dennis – includes a C10th work on warfare in the mountains along the Syrian frontier and campaigns in the Balkans which is attributed to Nikeforos.

Fourteen Byzantine Rulers: The Chronographia of Michael Psellus – an account of 14 emperors who followed Basil II starting in 1025 CE written in the late C11th CE.

John Skylitzes: A Synopsis of Byzantine History, 811–1057 – includes illustrations from a medieval manuscripts.

The History of Michael Attaleiates – covering the period 1034 to 1079 CE.


The History of Byzantium; long running podcast that does what it says on the tin, includes military stuff -

Byzantium & Friends; wider subjects relating to Byzantium -

Figures - 15mm

Forged in Battle -

Essex Miniatures -

Lurkio -

Figures - 28mm

Essex Miniatures -

Gripping Beast -

Fireforge Games -


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