The MeG Podcast Season 3 Episode 7 - The Hundred Year War, Part 1


In this episode of The MeG Podcast the team look at one of the iconic periods of warfare in the Ancients/medieval period, The Hundred Years War.

As this covers a long period of time the topic is being split into two parts, and this is the first. The team look at lists for the English and the French, other participants will follow in the next part.

So to learn more, read on ...

The podcast is available at -

As you will hear in the podcast the team somewhat struggled to come up with lists they actually liked. Here are the lists that the team came up with, plus a couple of others mentioned in the podcast.

Matt's "Crecy" army:

Matt's "Poitiers" army:

Richard's Early 100 Years War English:

Nik's Later 100 Years War English:

Nik's French Ordonnance:

Simon Elliot's Britcon winning Early 100 Years War English:

Later 100 Years War English with Burgundian allies which is a popular list composition:


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