The MeG Podcast Series 4, Episode 8 - The "Great War" of the Tenth Century: Battle of Brunanburh


The MeG Podcast team are back with a look at 10th century Britain and in particular the Battle of Brunanburh.

Read on for the episode link and other information ...

The usual team of Richard Jeffrey-Cook, Matt Haywood and Nik Gaukroger were joined by Simon Stokes who has run a big MeG game of the battle at his club, the Luton Lancers. He has kindly made the information used available to us for this podcast and it can be found below.

The episode can be found at -

Here are links to the two YouTube videos mentioned in the podcast:

Dan Snow's History Hit episode -

Michael Wood's Society of Antiquaries lecture -

Here is the information Simon created for his big battle (click on images for a larger view):

Here are the 6 army lists used in the game:

Here is a short write up by Simon on how the game went -

And here are the 3 "normal" Maximus 10,000 point lists drawn up by the podcast team:


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