Early Northern Song at Ice & Fire - Part 4


Well much to my surprise I find myself on the top table in the final round of the competition. I am facing Simon Hall who is using Mongol Conquest. We had played a few weeks earlier and Simon had the advantage, how would it turn out in this rematch?

As with the second game on the first day I faced the same opponent that I had done in the second round on day two at Warfare a couple of months earlier. Weird.

For the fourth time I lost the PBS dice roll to a Skull which gave Simon the opportunity to Strategic Intercept if he invaded. After our previous game where he had invaded and I got some useful terrain he had commented that he felt defending may have been better so as to be able to choose Plains as the territory type and reduce my chance of helpful terrain. However, in the end he again chose to be the invader. I was a bit relieved as I felt that fighting in Plains would have put me at a disadvantage. Simon later explained that he felt that if defending he would not be able to stop his camp being sacked, and as he had a small army this could have been a serious blow. (He had chosen No camp and so if invading has no camp on table, but if defending as a Poor Mobile camp).

By dint of a Red disc I got to choose the territory and, inevitably, chose Standard. We had a secure flank of Mountains and I had two vineyards on my base edge on the opposite flank. So I had my flanks covered at the start, but plenty of open space that I would no doubt have to advance into.

I deployed two units of crossbowmen in the hills on my left, and another with the militia in the vineyards on my right. The rest of my infantry and the Guard Cavalry were deployed between the terrain, although they did  not fill the space, with the other cavalry held back to counter wherever they would be of most use.

Simon deployed with his Nomad Vassals on his left and the Mongol cavalry extending towards his right wing with the Khan's Guard (Exceptionals) and a unit of Superior cavalry in the centre.

Forgot to take a picture at the start, but this is after the first move.

I have advanced with my units on my left and also with the rest of my front line, but they haven't gone quite as far. Simon has pushed strongly on his right and is clearly aiming his two centre heavy cavalry at my infantry units as being a potential weak spot.

Other shots of the troops:

Next move was a bit cagey as we jostled to get troops into the most advantageous positions to shoot. I pushed my left win infantry forward which induced a fall back by some of Simons cavalry - they were Unprotected so discretion was sensible. Likewise on his left he pulled the vassal cavalry back so I couldn't shoot at them from the vineyard; again, very prudent.

In the centre the Mongols came up to shooting range, however, I could drop back a crossbow unit so that it could shoot but not be shot at. I also brought up some cavalry on my left to contribute shooting at an Unprotected cavalry unit.

Shooting was not dramatic; I lost a base and Simon two - but one of his was an Exceptional Khan's Guard so I felt I'd done quite well there.

The next move was quite quick as I think we both wanted to do a bit more shooting before committing too much. I did, however, press on both flanks. This cause Simon to fall back again on his right but to bring up a unit on his left - this was a bit sacrificial but was there to cover his stronger units, plus this unit was in Skirmisher formation now and so a bit less vulnerable to shooting.

The following turn saw Simon fall back to draw me forward, and also to stop my wings closing in too much on his army. However, as a unit of his had rather devastated one of my Vanguard Swordsmen units, knocking off two bases, he did see a possible opportunity and pushed a Mongol cavalry unit right up and close. This did mean I could somewhat gang up on it, but if he could create a hole it could cause problems. However, as I had a unit of cavalry covering the eventuality I wasn't too concerned. It was a bold move, but maybe a bit too bold? (It is possible Simon was limited by discs here but I cannot recall)

The following turn my shooting, which is eight Green dice, is a tad disappointing - I knock off one base plus one wound. To add insult Simon knocks another two bases off my infantry ...

Further more, for just one wound on his Khan's Guard he knocks two bases off a crossbowmen unit. I may have felt somewhat aggrieved here ...

However, I must continue to press where I can, and look to cover possible gaps where possible. The move ends like this:

Next move we finally see some units broken.

Both my weakened infantry break, however, I do shoot away the Mongol cavalry on my right who I have ganged up on - shooting finally came good.

After shooting my crossbowman unit up the Khan's Guard swung to their right to put pressure on my cavalry which they totally outclass, and also have another infantry unit as a possible target as well. This was a really good move by Simon, changing the point of attack.

However, my left win infantry were now getting round Simon's right and putting a lot of pressure on. The Guard Cavalry also went straight at another unit of Mongol cavalry trusting in being Superior and ArmHrs to be able to ride out the Skilled shooting. I'd need a bit of luck to catch them though.

We now reached the crisis of the battle; and in the excitement I missed pictures for one turn, my apologies.

Simon's Khan's Guard charged into my Vanguard Swordsmen on my left. I failed to cause any damage from shooting or in combat and he reduced the infantry to being two wounds (one base) off breaking.

Meanwhile my Guard Cavalry got the bit of luck they needed. Charging the Mongol cavalry they slowed them by one BW with Shoot & Charge shooting, and then the Mongols rolled a short Run Away move on the VMD. The Guard hit them in the rear and despatched them.

The following move Simon had a Red die, a Yellow die, and a Green die against my battered infantry with his Khan's Guard. All he managed was a single wound! A breakthrough here would have put him into my camp and caused real problems and the KaBs sacking the camp would entail.

However, this failure meant that I could put units onto the flank of his cavalry for the following move.

On my left I also shot away another unit of cavalry and closed in around another. Simon did have a unit placed to charge my Guard Cavalry in the rear, but I expected to be able to survive that and turn to face where I would have the advantage - although it would be expensive in discs as they were out of command range.

The next move was the denouement.

I manged to (just) break the Khan's Guard as well as the unit I had surrounded and the unit that charged my Guard Cavalry. This was enough to break the Mongol army.

15-6 to me in a tense, hard fought and thoroughly excellent game. Simon came so very close to winning it, a memorable end to the competition.

This gave me first place and a generous prize from Battlefield Hobbies.


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