Campaign 2024 - Most of the Lists


The 11th and 12th May saw the annual Campaign show held by the Milton Keynes Wargames Society take place in the main shopping centre in Milton Keynes.

As usual there was a MeG team competition with teams of 3 players in 3 different themed pools.

Below are most of the lists used.

Click on images for a larger view.

The 3 themes were:

Theme 1: ‘Don’t Tell Them Your Name Pike’ up to 1512CE. 15mm 10k Maximus. Army had to include at least 2 TUGs of Pike armed troops of at least 8 bases in the main army.

Theme 2: Britannia, any of a defined set of lists up to 900CE. 15mm 10k Maximus, except Roman lists, which had an upper limit of 9500 points.

Theme 3: Open 25/28mm, Magna. Any list, 7000 points on 6’ x 4’ table, with 2/3 size terrain.


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