Havoc on the Hamble - Lists of Myth and Legend


On 11th May the Sarisbury Green Wargame Club event “Havoc on the Hamble” took place. The theme was that the army must contain a Legendary general. The Legendary general must be named, the army date must comply with the life of the legendary general – and a brief (one line) justification for classification of Legendary must be provided. The Legendary general will normally be the C-in-C (the single exception being Achilles in the Trojan War Achaean list #1215).

The Legendary general may be an historical figure of legendary status (e.g. Alexander, Caesar etc), or, to make the choice as open as possible, may be any general considered by the player to be ‘deserving’ of legendary status.
Below are the lists used.
The results of the competition were:

The lists starting with the winner (click on list for larger view):


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